南非黄金矿业公司 Gold Fields Ltd 的负责人希望,该公司的一些主要股东将公开支持其收购加拿大黄金矿业公司 Yamana Gold Inc. ,因为该交易能否成功仍存在不确定性。总部位于约翰内斯堡的 Gold Fields 今年5月达成了一项友好协议,以67亿美元的全股票价格收购 Yamana。在交易宣布当日,Gold Fields 股价下跌逾五分之一,在此期间,随着金矿业股票遭遇更大范围的抛售,该公司股价已累计下跌约35% 。一些投资者批评 Gold Fields 有意溢价42% 收购总部位于多伦多的 Yamana。 Yamana 最大的单一资产是加拿大 Malartic 金矿50% 的股份,该金矿是加拿大最大的金矿之一。迄今为止,没有一家大股东公开支持这笔交易,但有一家公司表示反对。RWC 合作伙伴有限公司。在交易宣布后,被称为“红车轮”的公司表示,Gold Fields 犯了一个严重错误,称这是一笔高风险、高成本的交易。红轮拒绝对此事发表评论。Gold Fields 的首席执行官 Chris Griffith 周一在一次媒体电话会议上说,他希望一些主要投资者最终会站出来支持这笔交易。他表示: “如果你能得到一些愿意这么做的大股东,总会有所帮助。”。Griffith 先生说,Gold Fields 在说服股东相信这笔交易的价值方面“取得了良好的进展”。对 Gold Fields 而言,收购 Yamana 将有助于其克服增长和储备状况不断下滑的问题。去年,Yamana 生产了不到88.5万盎司的黄金和920万盎司的白银。除了马拉蒂克,亚马纳还在巴西和智利拥有几座规模较小的金矿。

Shares in Yamana are trading about six per cent below the value of the offer based on the share ratio that Gold Fields is offering, which suggests continued uncertainty over whether the deal will succeed. “There is risk with this transaction,” said Josh Wolfson, analyst with RBC Dominion Securities Inc. “The risk remains the Gold Fields shareholder vote.” Shareholders in Gold Fields will vote on the deal on Nov 22 with the company needing to obtain 75 per cent of votes cast to succeed. Yamana shareholders vote on Nov 21 with two thirds of votes cast needed. Before agreeing to the acquisition by Gold Fields, Yamana engaged with five other firms to explore other M&A transactions. According to Yamana’s management information circular, one of the parties Yamana talked with ended up itself being acquired by another firm. A different company was willing to consider the purchase at a premium of a major asset from Yamana, but talks ceased when Yamana entered exclusive talks with Gold Fields. Early next month, proxy advisory firms Institutional Shareholder Services and Glass, Lewis & Co. will weigh in on the deal and advise shareholders to vote either for or against the transaction. Many institutional shareholders vote based on the recommendations of proxy advisory firms and the reports will have a “huge influence,” said Mr. Wolfson. Mr. Griffith said that Gold Fields will be meeting with proxy advisory firms later this week to present its case for the transaction.